Saturday, September 15, 2012

Maria Watches Over Us

With 32 volumes of novels, a serialized manga adaption, 14 drama CDs of radio-style plays. Two 13-episode anime series (with more to come) and a five episode OVA (original video animation) to its credit it would be an understatement to say the stories of the young girls at the Lillian Girls’ Academy are popular in Japan. For the uninitiated, it will only take a few episodes of the first season to help them understand what all the fuss is about. The series tells the story of young Yumi Fukuzawa and the challenges she faces trying to fit in at the exclusive all-girls Catholic School, problems that are both helped and hurt when she is chosen by popular student Sachiko Ogasawara to be her little sister. Yes, it’s all a bit too girly if you’re not actually a young girl, but the art is beautiful, the characters well-acted and the stories increasingly interesting as the series rolls along.

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