Thursday, September 20, 2012

Joseph Campbell: Mythos

As actress Susan Sarandon explains in the introduction to this series, Joseph Campbell: Mythos is an acquired taste. After all, the DVDs are really only a series of filmed lectures, and not very well filmed at that, at least in purely cinematic terms – the camerawork is shaky at times and the editing equally choppy. What the films lacking visual style, however, is more than made up for by the sheer brilliance of what Campbell is talking about: Us. It’s clear after just a few minutes  of listening to him lecture why he is generally acknowledged as not only one of the great teachers of our time, but a world class philosopher who has the rare ability to share his thoughts in a clear and concise language that everybody can understand. More than that, he has the talent to make you think, and not just about the subject at  hand. Mythos is a rare experience that makes you think for yourself, and about yourself, when it is over.

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