Tuesday, February 14, 2012


It’s still as quirky and charming as you remember it to be, but what makes settling in to watch this Criterion Collection edition of the Wes Anderson’s 1998 comedy so cool now is getting a chance to watch the amazing Bill Murray give one of the best performances of his film career. In the movie, Murray plays Herman Blume, a millionaire steel maker whose life is on the skids. He’s got a wife he doesn’t love, children he can’t believe are his and an outlook on life so bleak that if it wasn’t for booze, he’d probably have already killed himself. Then he meets perpetual Rushmore student Max Fischer (Jason Schwartzman) and rediscovers that there’s more to life than drinking and ignoring the people around him. Murray brings such a perfect blend of comedy and pathos to the part that it gives Anderson’s quirky comedy the heart it needs. 

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