Thursday, February 2, 2012

Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story

Poppy Montgomery stars in this stylish soap opera about the struggles that JK Rowling went through before becoming a global sensation as the creator of Harry Potter and his wizard friends. The facts may be correct – Rowling was living on the ‘dole’ as a single mom before she started writing the books that would make her one of the wealthiest women in the world – but a lot of the movie feels overdramatized for television, particularly the scenes of Rowling’s first marriage to an abusive man she hardly knew. And the scene where a young JK tells a red-headed friend that he’s too ‘weasley’ to be a character in her book will make you groan out loud (even if it really did happen). Montgomery is delightful to watch, however, and does a great job of making you feel at the end of the film that you really know JK.

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