Friday, April 12, 2013

Tom Green Live

There was a brief period in pop culture when Tom Green ruled the comedy world, on the small screen with his own MTV show and in theaters with guest appearances in big budget movies like Charlie’s Angels as well as his own cult classic, Freddy Got Fingered. Like most pop phenomenon, Green’s fame burned out pretty quickly to the point where he seemed more likely to be the focus of a “where are they now?” news story than a new DVD release. So it’s admittedly a bit of a surprise to see him releasing a DVD of a straightforward stand up show taped in front of an enthusiastic crowd in Boston, and even a bigger surprise that he’s actually pretty good at it. The bulk of his material focuses on the battle of man versus technology, an interesting perspective considering it was technology, in the form of an early generation video camera, which gave Green his start in show business. His rant isn’t so much against technology, though, as it is against our inability to communicate with each other without it.

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