Thursday, April 18, 2013


Stitches (Ross Noble) isn’t a good clown by any stretch of the imagination, but not even he deserves to be treated the way he is by the kids at the party he’s been hired for, so when he dies in a horrible accident, it’s only fitting that his spirit should be allowed to come back to seek revenge when the kids are old enough to die in a series of horrible on-screen deaths. It’s clear that director Conor McMahon is a horror movie fan. The film has an old school feel that doesn’t rely on cheesy CG or other cheap tricks to make you jump; he just lets the blood and guts fly. Noble does a great job of bringing the spooky dead clown to life, particularly in the way he isn’t afraid to mix gallows humor with the gore. Unfortunately, the supporting cast is there solely to provide a body count, which really keeps the movie from being more than just bloody good fun.

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