Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Rosemary’s Baby

Zoe Saldan stars as Rosemary Woodhouse in this terrific version of the tale of a young woman who is unwittingly made a bargaining chip in a pact with the devil himself. In exchange for bringing her struggling writer husband Guy (Patrick J. Adams) fortune and fame, Rosemary will serve as the vessel for Satan’s child. Even though it is spread out over four parts (and close to three hours), the TV mini-series maintains a constant state of tension as we follow Rosemary through her pregnancy. As the neighbors who broker the deal, Carole Bouquet and Jason Isaacs are the perfect blend of charming and chilling which is the key to making Rosemary’s seduction believable. As the husband, Adams is far less effective, giving a rather wooden performance that is never convincing, either as a loving husband in the beginning or as the evil jerk who pimps out his wife to Satan. The best thing about the show, though, is Saldana’s performance, particularly towards the end after Rosemary discovers what she is carrying inside her belly. 

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