Monday, January 13, 2014

Being Human: THe Complete Third Season

A werewolf, a vampire and a ghost share an apartment in Boston…what sounds like the beginning of a bad joke has, over the course of  three seasons, turned into an enjoyable horror series thanks, in large  part, to the top notch performances of  the cast and it’s surprisingly effective run of creepy guest stars. Season three starts with vampire Aidan still buried in the ground and werewolf Josh suddenly finding himself all too human following the death of the man who originally turned him. His girlfriend Nora, however, still gets hairy during the full moon, and the ghostly Sally is still stuck in Limbo. If it’s all sounds too complicated, go back to the beginning and watch season 1 & 2. You’ll be glad you did. But if you can’t find the time, settle back and let the stories flow over you because even without a backstory, the tales told in Being Human are interesting enough to keep you coming back for more.

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