Monday, October 7, 2013

Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan: Deadliest Creatures

Every other nature show and travel show host needs to learn a lesson from Dominic Monaghan about  how to be genuine – and genuinely interesting – on camera. The idea of stalking through rain forest and jungle to find deadly creatures and creepy crawly insects may be most people’s idea of a nightmare, but Monaghan makes it seem like the most natural ---and coolest -- thing in the world. The way the show pretends that this episode maybe the one where they don’t find the animal they are looking for gets a bit old at times, but you almost forgive Monaghan and his crew because they turn up so many other cool things to look at along the way. A big part of the fun in it all is that, unlike guys like Jeff Corwin or Jack Hanna, Monaghan is not a trained professional. He’s just a geek who loves animals.

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