Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Purple Noon

French actor/icon Alain Delon stars as Thomas Ripley, a professional moocher who sees an opportunity to take over the identity of his rich friend for good and doesn’t hesitate to make the most of his moment, even if it means killing the fatted calf he’s been living off for so long. Of course, it isn’t long before Ripley discovers that pretending to be somebody for an afternoon is easy compared to trying to actually live his life. Director René Clément does a masterful job of pacing the film, seducing the audience into the world of Ripley to such a degree that we almost forgive him his murderous act because we, too, want to live the rich life he assumes. Kudos, too, to cinematographer Henri Decaë for helping Clément find a way to drag the elements of classic film noir out of the shadows and into the bright Mediterranean sunlight wihtou losing any of its inherent mystery.

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