Friday, May 11, 2012

James May’s Man Lab

James May, the veteran star of the popular BBC series Top Gear, gets our from behind the wheel for an all-too brief series of shows designed to save today’s man from his worst enemy, himself. Frustrated that men today are generally helpless when it comes to the skills he thinks defines a man as a man – skills that range from building stuff to blowing stuff up – may and his friends come up with simple examples of how a man should acting a series of given situations. If you local pub goes out of business, build a bar of your own. If you can’t get the attention of a pretty girl at work, serenade her with a song. If you discover an unexploded WWII bomb buried in your back yard, you should know how to disarm it. The actual advice may not be practical to most viewers, but watching May go through the motions is enormously entertaining.

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