Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Yes, it’s a remake of the original movie, but the two don’t share much more than a title, some plot points and that damn Kenny Loggins’ song. In other words, this one is good enough to stand on its own, thanks to the great work of young actors Kenny Wormald and Julianne Hough in the lead roles. Basically it’s the story of a Boston kid named Ren (Wormald) who, after his mom dies, moves in with relatives in a small Texas town. His ‘wild’ looks, loud music and bad Boston attitude don’t fit in well in the town, which is so conservative it’s banned dancing and loud music as a way to ‘protect’ their kids. Will Ren be able to convince the townspeople to let him dance again? The answer is obvious, but watching him do it is a lot of fun.

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