Monday, March 26, 2012

Love Story

Love, as anybody who has ever seen this classic tear-jerker romance from 1970 can tell you, means never having to say you’re sorry. The same motto can be used when anyone accuses you of actually enjoying the movie. Sure it’s sentimental clap-trap, but it’s very well done sentimental claptrap that has somehow improved with age. Maybe it’s just the simple pleasure of watching two extremely pretty people – Ali MacGraw and Ryan O’Neal – up there on the big screen where the really pretty (if somewhat vacant) people like them belong. Maybe it’s just fun to watch a love story that’s just so darned innocent that makes watching it such a guilty pleasure. Sure, it’s far from being a great movie, or even a good one, and it’s hard to keep from giggling (just a bit) when MacGraw says the famous tagline … but so what? Relax and enjoy it. Just don’t tell anybody you enjoyed it.

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