Monday, October 3, 2011

The Best of Jack Benny

Jack Benny was one of the world’s funniest people, and this “Best of” set does a good job of reminding the world of just how funny he was. Benny had the comic persona of being cheap, as well as a terrible violin player, and there are plenty of moments in the show that underline these traits (the documentary feature on the set does a nice job of explaining these and other “Benny-ism to the uninitiated). It’s when he goes outside the familiar that Benny shines, though. He had a near-perfect sense of comic timing, and woe be it to anyone who dared to stand next to him on the stage and try to match him joke for joke. There also wasn’t a mean bone n the man’s body, and although he often won any battle of the wits he was in, Benny was that rare kind of funny man who liked to laugh, too, even if it was at his own expense.

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