Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dirty Tricks

Martin Clunes stars in this saucy mystery about a poor language teacher whose taste for the finer things in life leads to murder and mayhem. As the series opens, the teacher's biggest problem seems to be trying not to be bored to death by his rich accountant friend, a sacrifice he's willing to make because the accountant has a terrific wine cellar. When the accountant's wife (Julie Graham) makes a pass for him, he decides to follow up on it with disastrous results. The body count rises as the teacher tries to deflect suspicion away from him and onto the people he doesn't like to begin with, like the angry headmaster at his language school. By the time he's enlisted a student to help him hide bodies and manufacture the evidence, you'll be hooked. The great news is that there is still a lot of mystery left to the man, even after the bodies have been discovered.

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