Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just Wright

Just Wright may be a Queen Latifah movie, but the real star of the film is Common, the rapper turned actor who takes the poorly written part of an NBA player trying to find an honest woman and turns it into the kind of suave, sophisticated leading man role you thought Hollywood had forgotten all about. It’s pretty generic stuff, for the most part, but what separates Just Wright from just about every other romantic comedy to come out in the past year, is the fact that the guy in the movie isn’t a one-dimensional hound dog looking to get lucky, or a loser who needs to be taught a lesson or any one of a dozen clichés used in this kind of movie to give the girl something to fall in love with and fix. As played by Common, Scott McKnight doesn’t need fixing. He is an honest, up front guy who treats his women with honor and respect. He’s good looking, dresses well and has good manners. He likes and respects his mom and genuinely seems to enjoy his life and the people who are part of it. He’s everything we want a leading man to be but almost never see any more, and Common makes it work on the screen.

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