Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tales of the Gold Monkey

Stephen Collins stars in this addictive series about a scruffy pilot named Jake Cutter living a carefree life on a tropical island and the many madcap adventures he gets into battling Nazis, smugglers and other ruffians with the help of his drunken sidekick Corky (Jeff Mackay), his one-eyed dog Jack and his sassy girlfriend Sarah (Caitlin O’Heaney). If you’re thinking it’s just a cheap Indiana Jones made-for-TV rip off, then you’re missing the point: These adventures more than stand on their own, particularly as the series progresses and the relationships between the friends deepen. The action is pretty good, too, and there’s a cheesiness about the whole thing that makes it a lot more fun than that other big budget Hollywood stuff.

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