Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ninja Assassin

It won’t take long for you to decide if Ninja Assassin is the right movie for you. If you can watch the first big fight scene and not lose your cookies when the bad guy gets his head sliced in half (horizontally, just under the nose), then you may make it through the following 90 minutes of martial arts mayhem.
Of course, if you cheer when the top half of his head hit the floor with a wet splat, and find yourself laughing out loud at the way his now disembodied eyes blink at you, then you are just may think Ninja Assassin is the best movie in years.
Directed by James McTeigue, Ninja Assassin is the story of a clandestine ninja death squad that the rich and powerful have been hiring for centuries to do their dirty work. When one of their best disciples defects from the clan to lead a less-bloody life, the ninja assassins do whatever they can to either bring him back or kill him.

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