Thursday, November 28, 2013

In the Flesh

Just when you thought there wasn’t any new way to tell a zombie story along comes this delightful three-part BBC series to prove you wrong. Set in a post-apocalyptic future following the great zombie uprising, the series follows the efforts of an undead individual named Kieren Walker (Luke Newberry) as he tries to fit back in with the society he was trying to eat just a few short months ago. No amount of flesh tone make-up and tinted contacts can keep the dreams of his undead days from plaguing Kieren and making him wonder how long he can pretend to be alive. Having supportive parents; helps, but having a sister who’s a leader in the paramilitary force dedicated to eradicating the zombie population once and for all doesn’t. If it was played for laughs, it wouldn’t work. Because it’s played as a real life drama, it works brilliantly.

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