Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Invisible War

Whether you are for it or against it, for whatever reason, you will understand that the problem of gays in the military is small potatoes compared to the problems uncovered in this fascinating and infuriating documentary from director Kirby Dick. Here are the facts: a female soldier in combat zones is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire. Not upset enough to get off your butt and do something? How about this: The Department of Defense estimates there were a staggering 19,000 violent sex crimes in the military in 2010. The facts – and they are all facts taken from military reports – are staggering, yet Kirby is a strong enough filmmaker to know that it’s easy to listen to facts and forget about them before you walk out of the room. That’s why his selection of interviews is so crucial to delivering the message. You can’t listen to these people and not want to see justice done. See the movie. Visit the site

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